Practice Area

Trademarks & Copyrights


Intellectual Property (IP) services includes Trademarks, copyrights & Patents registrations, recognizes that a successful IP enforcement strategy can make an important contribution to a company’s bottom line. We help a wide variety of clients protect what is theirs, and police the marketplace against infringements and unfair competitive practices. Intellectual property is recognized as one of the most important assets that can be held by a corporation or an individual. Today, the threat of intellectual property infringement increases with each passing day as infringers find it easier and faster to take advantage of the IP owner’s hard work in creating the intellectual property sought to be protected. It is a well-known fact that intellectual property registration & safeguard is one of the most expensive types of services.

We at Emerge Legal have a legacy of successfully handling with experience in various aspects of IP registrations, patent disputes, copyright and trademark matters, domain name disputes, trade secret protection, unfair competition claims, false advertising, and defamation, publicity and privacy issues.


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