Ekta Mahajan


Ekta Mahajan


Ms. Ekta is an exceptional contract lawyer with a wealth of experience exceeding 25 years in the fields of Contract Management, Corporate Governance, and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) compliances. Her journey in the realm of law began at the esteemed halls of Jammu university, where she honed her skills and set the stage for her remarkable career.

Currently a Partner at Emerge Legal, Ms. Ekta’s influence extends far beyond her title. She stands as a cornerstone of the firm’s accomplishments, driving its success and expansion. Through her steadfast guidance, she steers clients through a myriad of legal avenues, showcasing her mastery across diverse legal landscapes.

The tapestry of Ms. Ekta’s legal acumen is woven with threads of dedication and unwavering commitment. Over the course of more than two decades, she has not only displayed expertise in Contract Management, Corporate Governance, and ESG compliance but has elevated herself to a preeminent status in the legal arena. As a guiding light, she assists businesses in conquering intricate legal obstacles, all the while cultivating sustainable growth. Her reputation is underscored by an intricate understanding of regulations and a knack for strategic insights, vital for mitigating risks and addressing liabilities tied to compliance.

Experience: A trailblazer in her own right, Ms. Ekta’s professional journey brims with accolades and the unwavering trust of her peers and clients. Her tireless pursuit of legal excellence, bolstered by her proactive approach to unraveling complexities, consistently yields positive outcomes for those she represents. In a world where legal intricacies abound, Ms. Ekta stands as a beacon of proficiency and a guardian of favorable resolutions.

Ready to assist you in resolving any legal issues you may have.

We feel compelled to break the typical lawyer-client relationship. We endeavor to be friendly and reachable, and to keep in touch with our clients.


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